
About Us

About Our Amiruddaulaislamia

Located at a comparatively calm & peaceful area of Lal Bagh and just close to the seat of state power (Vidhan Sabha), Amiruddaula Islamia Inter College, Lucknow a co-educational institution with separate classes for girls, is generally held as one among the chosen few prestigious institutions of Lucknow, a city reputed for its special culture and civilization. Founded as an Arabic Madarsa in 1887 by some distinguished philanthropists of the city who had a burning desire to see the over all and especially academic progress of the muslim community, convertd into a Middle school round 1824, promoted to High school 1916 and Inter 1942.

College Timings

Summer- 7a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Winter- 8 a.m. to 1.15 p.m.


(a) The guardian’s Co-operation is always appreciated to the attendance and acedmic career of their wards.
(b) The guardians are requested to come to school once in every month to fond out the orogress of their wards.

Once in every month to find out the progress of their wards.

(c) The guardians should check the home work of heir wards time to time and see that they do their home work regualarly.
(d) The guardians are not allowed to meet their wardsor the teacher directly in the class room without the prior permission of the principal.
(e) The college lays great imphasis on mental and physical discipline and expected the students to strictly abide by the rules of discipline in and out side the class rooms.

(f) All the parents should manage the college dress.

before sending their wards to the college.
Last date for submission of registration.
Admission Test/Interview for Class XI at 9 a.m.
Admission Test/Interview for Class IX at 9 a.m.
Admission Test/Interview for Class VI at 9 a.m.

Extra- Curricular Activities

1. The teachers encourage and meticulously prepare the deserving boys and girls for various debate competition, ‘Naat’ and ‘Ghazal’ recitation programmes etc.

2. Our boys and girls take part in various drawing competitions. The college organises a Drawing Competition of its own.

3. Every year our boys/girls have the opportunity to take part in Drama,Songs,and other cultural programmes which form a part of the Annual Function of the college.

4.Every year our boys/girls take part in Essay Competitions organised by different organisations and institutions.

College Dress for Boys

1.Grey Colour pant or Trousers(shade No. R-9972 Binni)
2.Sky Blue Shirt.
3.Black Shoes and socks.
4.College Tie and Belt.
5.Dark blue Sweater and Blazer additional in winter alongwith the summer uniform.

Dress for Girls

1. White Shalwar and dark grey full sleeve kurta /jumper.
2. Black shoes and socks.
3.White cotton dupatta with head scarf.


(1) Admissions to classes VI,IX and (Sc. Group) are based on the result of competive test, Interview whose dates and timings are displayed on the notice board of the college.
(2) Admission to class XI (Com. & Arts groups) are based on the result of interview. The date of interview is displayed on the notice board of the college after the expiry of the last date of submission of registration forms.
(3) Generally there is no vacancy for admission in class VII and VIII. In case any vacancy in any of these classes occurs, it is displayed on the college notice board. The desirous candidates then fill the registration forms, submit it within time in the college office.
(4) There is no vacancy for the admission to class X and

How to apply

Candidates are advised to follow the guidelines given below

(1) Fill the registration form, giving all the information correctly.
(2) For class XI the candidates must mention the group ( Arts, Science or Commerce) in which the admission is sought.
(3) Paste you recent passport size photograph at the appropriate place provided on the registration form.
(4) Submit the Registraition form within the Prescribed time along with the attested copy of the mark-sheet of the last examination passed.
(5) Don’t submit the original Mark Sheet or T.C.,with the Registraition form.
(6) Forms with incomplete information will be rejected.
(7) Come for the Test/Interview on the appointed day and time.