
Our Courses


Class time: 9:00am - 10am

Hindi, English, Urdu, Art, Social Studies, General Science, Mathematics, Book Craft any any one of the following subjects: (for girls only)
1.Book Craft 2. Home science

IX Class

Class time: 9:00am - 10am

Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social Science and any one of the following subjects.
1. Urdu 2 Commerce 3. Art 4. Sanskrit 5. Home Science (for girls) 6. Computer

XI and XII Class

Class time: 9:00am - 10am

Arts Groups – General Hindi and any four of the following subjects: 1. English 2. Civics 3. Economics 4. History 5. Book Craft 6. Urdu 7. Computer Commerce Group – Gen. Hindi, English, Bussiness Studies, Accounts and any one of the following Subjects: 1. Economics 2. Computer 3. Mathematics

Science Group: Gen. Hindi and any four of the following subject

Class time: 9:00am - 10am

Mathematics ii. Biology iii. Computer iv. Physics v. Chemistry vi. English vii. Urdu

Note: Physical Education is compulsory for class IX to

XII Class

Class time: 9:00am - 10am

Sports: Unfortunately the college does not have big play ground of its own. Inspite of this, we were able to produce good hockey players and atheletes in the past. Our boys take part in the various atheletic meets and hockey and cricket tournaments etc.

N.C.C Class

Class time: 9:00am - 10am

There is an arrangement for providing N.C.C. training to both the junior and senior division cadets.N.C.C.traning includes drill,weapon training(Rifle, Field Craft, Map- Reading, Self defence,Leadership and Patrolling). During the training session various camps are also organised.

N.S.S Class

Class time: 9:00am - 10am

To inculcate the good habbit of social service in the student of the college, there is an arrangement providing N.S.S. training to the students of XI & XII classes. This is a two year course which include 240 hours social work and 10 days (day-night) camp. Scouts- There is an arrangement for the traning of scouts for the boys in junior classes.

Assistance to Poor Boys/Girls

Class time: 9:00am - 10am

The college provides financial assistance to the poor and needy boys through the poor boys fund which is supplemented by occasional donations and scholarships